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Knit Crochet Blog Week Day Five

And now for something completely different...

     I sit here, unfinished.  I'm not sure when I came into existence.  I just became.  I have a spine and a limb.  (Part of one at least)  She made most of me in one day.  Then I sat, with a hole, where my thumb should be.  She found more building material somewhere and started my limb.  Then that was it.  She waved a square black totem above me that flashed bright light.  Then I sat with the tools still in my limb.  I was moved a few times, farther and farther away.  Now I'm in the dark.  Alone.  Well, not completely alone.  There are two others near me, but they don't talk the way I do.  I cant understand them.  I do know I'm second.  I have a mate, but I don't know where he is.  I think I hear him sometimes, but he's far away.  He's in one of the places She goes to often.  There is another similar to me here.  He arrived last night.  He is from the same building material as me, but he's not my mate.  I don't understand why I've been here so long.  If she has more material, why is She making more, not like me?  Why hasn't she finished me yet?  Am I wrong in some way?  Have I been forgotten?  I don't want to be in the dark anymore.

     Its my poor cursed second Hermoine Mitten.  As soon as Nerd Wars is done, or I finish the Elf Cobbler cuffs, which ever happens first.  This mitten will be finished and joined with her mate.  Its bugging me, can you tell?  Also I need my US5s back for my socks.

Happy Crafting!


  1. That is great! And I am TammyG from NW....I have some socks that might be feeling like that right now...


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