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Knit Crochet Blog Week Day Four

Day Four (Thursday 14th May): Bags Of Fun. Time to delve into that most treasured collection of tools, notions and oddments as you are asked to spill the contents of your knitting or crochet bag, caddy or other method of organization and put your crafting unmentionables on display.

     I have several bags, bins and totes for all my yarny goodness.  I'll keep this fairly simple and not take pictures of all seven or eight of my huge Rubbermaid totes.  I'll simply explain that I organize my yarn my type or function.  So I have a tote for dishcloth cotton. One tote just for my "real" Pisgah Peaches & Crème yarn and a second for all the other heathen dishcloth cotton.  Currently that second tote is filled with other random things left over from moving.  (I used every available inch of space to cram things into.)  I have one tote for baby yarns.  A couple of my project bags are in that one too.  I have another tote for crappy acrylic yarn that I'm hanging onto for some reason.  I keep my left overs in that tote.  I put them in little zip-lock sandwich bags with the tags so I know what's what.  I have another tote for acrylic yarn I'm keeping for Christmassy things.  I have a huge tote filled with my nice spiffy yarn.  Within in that tote I have the yarn organized by weight.  The bags from Yarn Cupboard are nice plastic see through bags with drawstrings at the top.  I've shopped there enough that I've acquired many of them.  So if I need a yarn in a certain weight I just grab that bag out of the tote and just go through that bag.  It works pretty well.  Right now all my needles and pattern binders are in one of the boxes left over from moving.  I'm still looking for a good place to put that stuff.  Now on to the pretty things.  This is the notion bag I use most often:
Zippered Notion Bag
I got it from Ellen at CrescentOriginalsI "met" Ellen through Team Stargate Command while playing Nerd Wars.  I have two of her other bags as well.  Out of everything I've bought or made myself Ellen's bags are my favorite.  So here are the contents of my notions bag:
In this bag I have:
-Boye stitch markers.
-Tapestry needles for end weaving.
-A small stitch holder.
-A large beaded stitch marker, made by me.
-An itty bitty crochet hook for beading.
-That little blue thing is a needle guard/stopper.
-Fairy short piece of cotton scrap yarn for holding stitches.  I usually use it for the thumbs on mittens.
-A little baggie of small stitch markers, made by another Team SGC member.  It was part of one of our swaps. 
-The white thing that says "Knitting Makes Me Happy" is a retractable tape measure. 

This in not my only notions pouch.  I have another clear vinyl one that has fairly similar accoutrements.  

I have a few project bags too.  I hope to increase the number here soon.  I recently shared the new one I got with my Mad Geek Tour made by Jessalu:
Star Trek Project Bag

Purple Box Style Blue Drawstring Style

The purple one on the left is another Crescent Original.  The blue drawstring on the right is one of mine.  I made a slew of them last year and decided to keep this one for myself. 

Projects inside
I've got Turnstile in the purple project bag, along with some more stitch markers.  (I keep stitch markers in all my project bags.)  I've got uncaked yarn and a beading crochet hook in my blue bag.  This is slated to be a Boo Knits shawl.  My favorite project bag is still packed. 

Batik Project Bag
Its that one in my lap.  Its another Crescent Original.  (I'm wearing Holden and knitting the Lilac Shawl I gave to Judy. ) I've found some more of this fabric so I want to either make a bag myself or ship it off to Ellen so she can make me another one.  I have tried sewing my own box bags, but they're fiddly and tricky to line up nice.  So I think I'd rather stick to making the drawstring bags myself and supporting sewers who have better mad skillz than me by buying their box bags.  

     I have many other larger bags for transporting multiple projects or large amounts of yarn, that sort of thing.  I tend to be a bag hoarder just as much as I'm a yarn hoarder... much to the chagrin of my husband. 

Tune in tomorrow for another topic.  Until later.  Happy Crafting!

To read other blog posts from this prompt type 6KCBWDAY4 into Google search and enjoy!    


  1. You have some lovely bags - all of them look lovely. I must check out Crescent originals, I've googled it already :-)

    1. If you click on the first place I mention Crescent Originals it should take you directly to her Etsy shop. She is currently on hiatus, but worth the wait.

  2. Are the box bags big enough to store a sweater ? or are they like shawl or sock size ? Which Boo shall you be knitting ? :)

    1. The dark purple bag is quite large. Its got three skeins of yarn along with the project now and there's more room to spare. To the best of my knowledge Crescent Originals has one size larger yet. The Boo Knits pattern I plan to knit is Sweet Dreams. Thanks for stopping by.


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