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Year of Projects: Week 53; El Fin.

     I thought I'd do a quick review of my Year of Projects.  I started participating around week 5 so I'm summing up my year from that point to present.  I have 24 project entries on Ravelry.  (If I do several dishcloths back-to-back, I usually only make one project entry, so there are more than 24 individual finished items. 

Direct Link to Goal Post: YOP first post 

I finished:

-3 pairs of fingerless mitts

-2 pairs of mittens

-2 pairs of socks

-5 hats

-2 cowls

-2 baby blankets

-16 dishcloths

-1 potholder

-1 shawl

I have one sock that's going to be frogged and half of another dishcloth that's sitting around because I ran out of that colorway of yarn.  I do have a few other WIPs still hanging about from prior to August of last year.  (We're going to keep pretending they don't exist.)

I made a simple little picture "movie" of my projects, enjoy:

As far as my quickly thrown together list:

I completed 3/5 of my projected projects...

I finished or frogged 1/4 of my WIPs...

I finished none of my sewing goals...

I accomplished one of my knitolutions goals.  I organized my craft closet.  (It's getting messy again, so this should be an ongoing goal.)  We finished none of the listed house goals, but completed others as they came up.

    It's been an interesting year with many changes.  When I started last year, I was working as a traveler at Unity in Rochester.  Now I'm a permanent staffer at Carthage.  I'm back in school taking pre-reqs in-order to get into the MLT-to-MLS bridge program offered at UAMS.  My next few years are going to be action packed for sure.  I probably won't make an official project list for next year, but I hope to post every now and then with whatever I am able to knit in between classes.  Until later, happy crafting.




  1. Love your little movie. Best wishes!

  2. The little movie was the best! Even with all the changes your goals completed is impressive.

  3. Loved your project movie. What a great idea! Lots of great projects. Please do check in with updates on classes and crafting. I am just so amazed by you taking on getting a degree while working!!!! Wishing you only the best.

  4. Good luck in your classes. How exciting for you career wise. We will be glad to hear from you when ever you have a chance. Even if it is just to say how school is going.

  5. What a productive year! Good luck in your classes. Hopefully you you will be able to pop on from time to time this year to let us know how you are getting on.

  6. Good luck in your pursuits! You’ve done a lot of great work on your projects. Kudos!

  7. What a lovely video of all your makes, that’s a lovely way to show your year’s creative ventures. I hope with your new studies you’ll still have time to craft and share with us when you can what you’ve been up to and how it’s all going. Best of luck Liz (Highlandheffalump)


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