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Year of Projects: Week 51 and 52

    I started this post last week, but didn't finish it so here's two weeks in one post.  I pulled Holden off the blocking board with the intention of getting some decent pictures.  It's been raining here off and on all week.  (Make that two weeks.)   It was ungodly hot and humid for a few days this past week.  Then it went back to raining constantly.  I just snuck in some "glamor" shots of Holden seconds before a cloud burst.

    I received some disheartening news concerning the degree program I want to do.  I finally got the admissions decision last Saturday.  They are saying I need quite a few more pre-requisites than I had been told by two different faculty members of the program.  I was originally told I would only need three, possibly four, more classes.  Admissions is now telling me seven!  So, I'm not eligible to enter the program this fall.  This was not the news I was expecting at all.  When I did my admissions interview at the end of last month, that faculty member told me that everything looked good and that she foresaw no issues for me to start in the Fall.  I'm going to get a response directly from admissions; I'm really hoping something just got overlooked.  I'm in the process of taking three classes over the summer here, so I would do four more this fall and then enter the program in the spring of '25, which only pushes my plan back by one semester, but dang, four more classes are another several thousand dollars.  I've mulled over this news for the last week and I'm still disheartened.  I wasn't able to talk to anyone in admissions directly, but I'm hopeful to get some info soon.  In the mean time, I've looked at some prospective courses to take this fall.  Either way, I need to talk to admissions to see what I'm missing, although I have an idea what I'll need to take to meet requirements.  I'm nearly done with the current class.  Its been intense, but overall interesting.  As soon as this History class ends, the other two start up.  I hope I can handle two at the same time on this accelerated summer schedule.  Wish me luck.  

    I've received some more things from my grandmother's estate.  I picked them up from my parents' house last Wednesday.  She did all kinds of crafts.  Plastic canvas was one of them.  I did some projects as a kid and really enjoyed it, so I thought that would be something that Liara might enjoy.  I looked through everything briefly as I put it into two storage totes.  There's quite a bit there.  I may have to do some projects myself.  I also received some more glass dishes that match the other items I'd already received.  I should get up and take a few pictures quickly, but there's a cat on my lap.... oh she just moved.  Hold on.

Art Deco


The one I'm calling Art Deco has a creamer and sugar bowl that matches.  There are two of the small Poinsettia plates and they have a matching goblet style bowl.  The other nifty thing about the poinsettia pattern is that I have a platter from my other grandmother that matches.  They both got married in the same year (along with my husbands maternal grandparents) and had fairly similar tastes, so a lot of what I've inherited can go together.  

    I worked diligently to get ahead of the due dates on this class.  I'm now comfortably ahead by two or so days.  I think I finally found a good grove, just in time for the class to be over next week.  I was able to find some knitting time over the last couple of days.  All the typing for class has really aggravated my carpel tunnel so I was hoping knitting would make my wrists feel a little better.  I whipped up a dishcloth over a few days and sure enough my wrists feel a little better.  

I think that's it for me.  The crazy hot weather we had in the states last week is moving over to the UK, so I hope everyone across the pond stays cool this week!  Until later, happy crafting.



  1. Beautiful dishcloth and shawl. Sorry to hear the admissions news was not what you expected. Here is hoping when you can speak to a person directly they can clear up any confusion. The dishes are beautiful. I have a few pieces from my mother. They were usually only saved for special occasions but I use them to make a dish look extra fancy at least once a week. I smile and remember my mother every time I use them. May your dishes bring you happy memories.

  2. I am so sorry to hear that admissions says you need more prerequisites. Frustrating if they aren't telling you exactly what requisites you need. I get so angry with the very poor support colleges give to students. They are great at collecting tuition and fees but poor are communicating exactly what courses you need to graduate. Then they are awful at helping you find a job. GRRRR Please hang in there. It will be so worth it!! Your shawl is beautiful.

  3. Your shawl and dishcloth are great. The colors of the dishcloth are so cheerful. How disheartening to find out you need more classes than originally though. Classes are not cheap to take either. Hopefully it was a mistake on admissions side

  4. It’s not even 4am and I can’t sleep from the heat and it’s only been in the 70s here but it’s the quick contrast I think with it being winter temps for so many weeks. That is so disappointing to be given such conflicting information from the different admissions people. Can you appeal a decision? Very frustrating when you were preparing to start in autumn not spring. Did you tell us what the degree is in, I may have forgotten.. Liz (Highlandheffalump)

    1. I had a hard time sleeping too, it was a rough couple of days. The program is an extension of the degree I already have. It will allow me some upward mobility and give me some more options in related industries if/when I want to move away from hospital work.


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