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Year of Projects: Week 50

     This is probably going to be my last regular post for YOP.  My first class started this week and its proving to be very time consuming.  I did manage to get some things other than school work done this week, though.  First up, on Wednesday Hubby and I went up to Grandma's house and got some of her flowers.  I took some bleeding hearts, day lilys, tulips, narcissis and lupine.  It wasn't the correct time to take the bleeding hearts, but it looks like two of them will live.  The third got pretty mangled but one stalk looks alive.  I've planted a chunk of the tulips but they needed to be separed, so even though we dug up just a few plants, I have a ton of tulip bulbs I need to find a place for now.

The bleeding hearts go quite windblown from being transported in the bed of the truck.  Day lilys are impossible to kill so those two plants will be fine.  The orange flags are denoting where I put the tulip bulbs.  They are in between the two sets of flags.

     I finished Holden!  I did the picot bindoff in the wee morning hours of the 5th, which was our 20th anniversary.  The bindoff alone took me two hours.  I love the look though, so it was worth it. I soaked it earlier and it's blocking now.  

I didn't pin it out very straight but I don't have alot of extra room to work with.  I really need to invest in some blocking wires and combs.  The spare room is still a work in progress, so pay no attention to the clutter, please.  I'll get some decent glamor shots once this is dry.  The lighting in that room doesn't do this justice.  

     The CNY fiber fest was this weekend but, I decided against going.  I would have loved to, but with school, the break job we need to do on the Tundra and the renewal of my professional license, I have plenty of other places that money needs to go.  It's not like I have any time to knit right now anyway.  

     I think that's about it for me.  I hope to get to a summary post for the year and maybe a tentative plan for next year, but I already know I won't be participating on any sort of regular basis.  I've never done online classes before so I really didn't expect the time commitment would be this extensive.  I have no idea what a full class schedule is going to be like.  It's been really fun participating in the Year of Projects, so if I don't get the chance to say it later, I wish you all the best.  Thanks to my regular readers for the encouragement and sharing your experiences with me.  Until later.  Happy crafting!



  1. Oh the shawl is stunning! Good luck in your classes. I truly think online is more work than in person.

  2. Pop in when you can. Good luck on your schooling. Online seems to always be a bit more intense than in the classroom.

  3. Please pop in to share how your studies are going even if you don't have crafting to share. I still can't get over you going back to school!! I'm soooo impressed. I couldn't imagine handling college courses again. When I retired I tried an online Financial Planner course and decided it was too much work for me. I do highly recommend the blocking wires as maybe a future Christmas present. They really are great.

  4. Good luck with the classes - hopefully you can pop in occasionally to update us. The shawl is amazing 🥰

  5. Like the others have said just pop in when you can and let us know how things are going. The shawl looks lovely so I’m sure dry and in better lighting it will be even more fabulous. Best of luck with your classes, and everything else you’ve got going on. Liz (Highlandheffalump)


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