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YOP: Week 37

    We had a fairly eventful week; some big firsts for our son.  Ronon started preK as I mentioned.  He's been doing great and has adjusted well to being away from home for a few hours each day.  His fourth birthday was September 12th.  In New York children who are under four have to be transported to and from school by parents, so on Thursday he was able to start riding the bus.  He did great and really enjoys the bus as well.  We also cleaned almost all the random stuff out of the spare room and moved him into it and into the big bed that's in there.  We still need to move his dresser to his room and move my desk to our room.  I now have a good five or six totes of China to go through and repack into totes that aren't falling apart.  I had planned to do that this past weekend but I was really tired yesterday.  I did manage to put all of grandma's knitting books up with mine in the "craft closet" and put all the magazines in order in a new tote.  I've also gotten all these entered into my library on Ravelry.

    My new cheap yarn winder arrived but I haven't tried it out yet.  It seems a little more sturdy than my last one so hopefully I'll get several years out of this one too.  The news on my car isn't great.  It is a sensor.  It's detecting a patch of rust on my rear axel.  There is nothing structurally wrong with the axel but to eliminate the sensor problem that entire rear axel will need to be replaced.  That's going to be about a grand all in, and will be getting done a little later.  We have some other priorities right now.  In the mean time it's fine to drive, just annoying as it dings at me while I'm driving, so I won't be taking it any farther than the couple of miles to and from work.  Now that both Ronon and Liara ride the bus daily I can take the truck if I need to.
    In knitting news I've been working steadily on my daughter's double thick hat.  If I had picked up any knitting yesterday I would have finished it.  I've still not managed to take a picture of this hat.  My son has requested a hat as well, so that will be next.  

    On Saturday morning someone hit our mailbox.  They completely snapped the pole it was mounted on.  You can see the old one in the picture of Ronon getting off the bus actually.  The person didn't initially stop but came back a little later.  It was the 17 year old daughter of our neighbor a few houses up the road.  The poor girl was devastated and had panicked.  She and her family replaced the pole for us; the mail box itself wasn't damaged.  That wasn't quite how we envisioned meeting more of our neighbors, but I suppose it's one way.

    Since I finished Outlander I've gone back to watching Supernatural.  I watched season 1-6 forever ago and I've decided it was high time I finally watched it.  I'm somewhere in season two now and I remember some of these episodes.  I remembered absolutely nothing from season one.  Since Supernatural was shot in Vancouver and surrounding places in BC, I'm having fun noticing familiar actors and locations.  (I've watched a lot of shows that come out of Canada; Stargate, When Calls the Heart, X-Files, Battlestar Galactica, Eureka, Sanctuary just to name the bigger ones.)  Back to Sam and Dean and getting the last few rows on this hat done!
Until later, happy crafting.



  1. How nice to have kids that want to wear your knits. My kids were so spaced out that I always seemed to have one that wasn't eligible to ride the bus. The drive to school was when we practiced math facts and spelling words. Glad the mailbox crash worked out okay. We live out in the country and sometimes teens like to drive by and bash the boxes. But we have only had to replace one in 30+ years.

  2. We just watched Forrest Gump again recently with the tiny wee Forrest and then his son catching the yellow school bus. 🚌 Getting his own room and travelling on the school bus alone, before you know it he’ll be graduating. Treasure these milestones. At least she confessed to the mailbox incident. My first car was covered in dints from me hitting curbs, bollards and a bin 😂


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