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Showing posts from June, 2024

Year of Projects: Week 53; El Fin.

      I thought I'd do a quick review of my Year of Projects.  I started participating around week 5 so I'm summing up my year from that point to present.  I have 24 project entries on Ravelry.  (If I do several dishcloths back-to-back, I usually only make one project entry, so there are more than 24 individual finished items.  Direct Link to Goal Post:  YOP first post   I finished: -3 pairs of fingerless mitts -2 pairs of mittens -2 pairs of socks -5 hats -2 cowls -2 baby blankets -16 dishcloths -1 potholder -1 shawl I have one sock that's going to be frogged and half of another dishcloth that's sitting around because I ran out of that colorway of yarn.  I do have a few other WIPs still hanging about from prior to August of last year.  (We're going to keep pretending they don't exist.) I made a simple little picture "movie" of my projects, enjoy: As far as my quickly thrown together list: I completed 3/5 of my projected projects... I finished or frogg

Year of Projects: Week 51 and 52

     I started this post last week, but didn't finish it so here's two weeks in one post.   I pulled Holden off the blocking board with the intention of getting some decent pictures.  It's been raining here off and on all week.  (Make that two weeks.)   It was ungodly hot and humid for a few days this past week.  Then it went back to raining constantly.  I just snuck in some "glamor" shots of Holden seconds before a cloud burst.     I received some disheartening news concerning the degree program I want to do.  I finally got the admissions decision last Saturday.  They are saying I need quite a few more pre-requisites than I had been told by two different faculty members of the program.  I was originally told I would only need three, possibly four, more classes.  Admissions is now telling me seven!  So, I'm not eligible  to enter the program this fall.  This was not the news I was expecting at all.  When I did my admissions interview at the end of last month,

Year of Projects: Week 50

      This is probably going to be my last regular post for YOP.  My first class started this week and its proving to be very time consuming.  I did manage to get some things other than school work done this week, though.  First up, on Wednesday Hubby and I went up to Grandma's house and got some of her flowers.  I took some bleeding hearts, day lilys, tulips, narcissis and lupine.  It wasn't the correct time to take the bleeding hearts, but it looks like two of them will live.  The third got pretty mangled but one stalk looks alive.  I've planted a chunk of the tulips but they needed to be separed, so even though we dug up just a few plants, I have a ton of tulip bulbs I need to find a place for now. The bleeding hearts go quite windblown from being transported in the bed of the truck.  Day lilys are impossible to kill so those two plants will be fine.  The orange flags are denoting where I put the tulip bulbs.  They are in between the two sets of flags.      I finished Ho

Year of Projects: Week 49

      Last weekend flew by and I completely forgot to post.  I had a long weekend, so we grilled on Saturday with my parents and brother.  Then we de-cluttered and cleaned the remaining days.  I went through a bunch of my crafting things in the basement and donated quite a few things I don't use anymore.  I got rid of nearly all my straight needles.  I only use circulars and DPNs so there's no need for to me to keep my long staights.  I did keep my short ones as I use those for dishcloths. (A pair of US 5s and 6s.)  I also donated a few skeins of acrylic yarn I wasn't ever going to use.  I had acquired some Lion Brand Homespun yarn and I absolutely hate working with it, so those got donated.  I had some other novelty yarns that also went in the donation bin.  I got rid of all my printed patterns as well.  I exclusively use digital patterns with my Row Counter app, so there's no need for me to have multiple binders filled with paper patterns.       I got a "new"