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Showing posts from September, 2024

YOP: Week 36

    This has been the week of everything breaking.  On Wednesday, when we were taking Ronon to Pre-K, the dash on the Highlander lit up like a Christmas tree.  We immediately assumed mice had gotten into the engine compartment again.  My husband investigated but he saw no evidence of mice, so that's probably a good thing.  We suspect that it's a sensor.  It has to be inspected this month anyway, so it goes to the garage on Monday to be diagnosed.  I finished the hat I was working on; more on that momentarily.  Liara asked me to make her a hat too.  It took her a bit to choose the yarns she wanted.  When I set up my winder to get them caked up, the itty bitty gear inside broke right off.  I bought the winder when I started knitting 14 years ago and it was a cheap one from Amazon.  So, I would say I got my 6 or 7 dollars out of it.  I've ordered another cheapo off of Amazon to replace it.  I hand wound the two skeins for Liara's hat so I could get that started.  In doing

YOP: Week 35

    I wove in alllll the ends, washed and blocked my Killer Queen-Drops of Spring mash up mitts.         There was a bunch of stockinette hat talk in the Malabrigo Junkies group.  A bunch of people are knitting  YAS Hat s.  I liked the idea of a reversible hat so I jumped in with  Double Thick Hat .  Both of these patterns are free.  I thought a fingering weight hat would take awhile, but it's been rather addicting.  I'm already halfway done with the decreases on the first "side" of the hat. Malabrigo Sock in Dewberry The other half of this is going to be Solis.  If there's enough left I may make a YAS hat out of the remainder for my daughter.       That's it on the crafting front.  I've been plugging away slowly at my class.  The normal schedule is so much more subdued.  This communication class is going to push me very far out of my comfort zone, which I'm not too keen on, but is probably good.  I'm an introvert with some pretty bad social anxiet