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Year of Projects: Week 37

     I've been sick for the past two weeks.  I still have a lingering cough, which is probably bronchitis, but I'm slowly feeling better.  Malabrigo March is in full swing.  I've completed two projects already and have another on the needles currently.

I started with Hum Beanie on Noventa in the Indonesia colorway.

I really enjoyed working with the Noventa; this was my first experience with it.  It has a little bit of twist, so it's not splitty.  I love this colorway, so bright even with the cool tones.

Next up was Mandy Cowl, which is a free pattern.  I used Silky Merino in the Caribeno colorway for this one.  It was my first time using this base as well.  It's a single and the silk makes it extra drapey.  I did 7 repeats of the lace pattern and I omitted the garter ridge down the center of the cowl.  I have finished the knitting on this but haven't taken an updated picture yet.

I got this skein back in 2013, so it was my oldest Malabrigo.  It's going to bleed when I wash it.  The dark blue was coming off on my fingers when I was knitting it.

I just started Killer Queen Cowl, but its already a really fun engaging pattern.  I'm using Rios in Cucumber and Piedras.  The Piedras is the skein I found while organizing my stash.  So, this is the bonus project I wasn't planning on doing yet.  I only have one skein of Cucumber and I need two, but I'll deal with that later once I run out of MC.

I need to get a picture with better light.  The Cucumber is much prettier in real life, this lamp really washes it out.

Before Mal March started, I finished one shortie sock.  It's a little too wide and long, but still short at the ankle... that's what I get for heavily modifying a pattern, I guess.  I haven't decided yet if I'll knit a second sock, or if I'll rip this one completely out and start over.  

I did a German Short Row Heel on this for the first time.  It was interesting.  I liked not having to pick up stitches and do a gusset.  I'll be using this heel again in the future.  

    That's about it on the knitting front.  I've just been surviving mostly.  This cold has destroyed my appetite, so I haven't been cooking much.  We had a small party for Liara's birthday.  It was supposed to be this past Saturday, but I woke up with a migraine so we postponed it to Wednesday.  We made homemade pizza on the grill.  It was really low key, but I think she enjoyed herself.  

The weather here has been very bizarre.  It was snowy and cold when I posted last.  It warmed up and all the snow melted.  I have day-lilies popping up in my front flower bed.  It's supposed to cool back off and snow overnight tonight.  Tomorrow morning should be interesting.  Until later.  Happy crafting!



  1. Hey, I have had the same nastiness for the past two weeks too! Still have the cough too. I told my husband it must be a knitters virus from inhaling all those little fibers from our yarn LOL. The cucumber color in the cowl is so pretty with the brown. I like the pattern of it. Your blue cowl looks so warm and squishy! As does the hat. Your short sock looks good to me. I am trying to make a total no show sock to wear in my ballet flat type shoes and having an issue with those.

  2. Hope you feel better soon. I love grillled pizza. We grill the dough, then add toppings, and pop it back on the grill to melt the cheese. It's a thin crust pizza. That's too bad that the dye is going to run. Hope it all works out. What is it with socks lately?! I too seem to suddenly have major fit problems.

  3. I hope you are feeling better as I’m a bit late posting a comment. I absolutely love that hat, it looks so squishy and the colours are gorgeous. I totally forgot about malabrigo March….doh!

  4. Hope you are feeling better. The beanie and sock is lovely - I love a short row heel!


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