Last weekend got away from me and I forgot entirely to write a post. I washed and blocked my Unicorn Cowl. I've been wearing it since it dried. I like it overall. The alpaca has a fair amount of guard hairs so it's a little itchy, but not terrible. I've been plucking them out whenever I see them. I even took a nice action shot when wearing it the other day. I've been working on a project a coworker requested me to make. She wanted it out of acrylic for easy care. I very rarely work with acrylic anymore. It causes all my issues to flare up because of its non-elastic properties. I've been working slowly to minimize my back and wrist pain but I have a deadline. I just finished the ensemble. The pattern is okay, probably not something I'd knit again. I used the free pattern from Lion Brand Holding Hands Mitts . The decreases in the franken mitt are a little wonky in my opinion....
I finished my Unicorn Cowl last evening. This was a fun pattern and one I'd have no problem knitting again. I've woven in the ends since I took this picture. I had a pretty normal week. It was stormy at the beginning of the week and very cold for the remainder of the week. We have a warm front moving in. It was a balmy 29 degrees F when I left for work this morning. After experiencing negative digits earlier, near "freezing" is a veritable heat wave. We've had three new people start at work all within the last three weeks. It's great to have some more staff, but training can be very tiring. Thursday and Friday we're busy and I felt like I was pulled in all directions; especially Friday. I'm looking forward to the future. We have a lot of changes coming to this lab and I'm excited about them. Just gotta get through this little sludge patch. Until later. Happy crafting. -Q