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Year of Projects: Week 20

I haven't gotten very much done in the last two weeks.  I washed and blocked Drops of Spring Mitts.
I worked on Sackets Harbor Mittens up until I ran out of the gray yarn.  In hindsight I should have inverted the colors.  But I prefer the color usage as is, so I ordered another skein of the gray.  I'm just waiting for it to arrive.
I started a White Whiskers Hat.  I'm not very far into it yet.  The memory of me getting the yarn for it, ehem 8 years ago, came up on my Facebook page so I thought it was high time to finally start it.  I'm makeing the cats gray and doing the background a lime green.  

I made magic cookie bars last weekend for my husband's birthday.  I use The Eagle Brand recipe as a guide, but I usually add more coconut and more chocolate chips.  

That's about it for crafting and cooking.  I got some news earlier this week about my current job and ultimately how it's going to impact my future.  I need to make some really big decisions over the next week or two.  I'm not really happy about the situation I've been put in, but it is what it is, and I'm going to choose what's best for me and my family.  Wish me luck.

Until later.  Happy crafting!


  1. Your mitts and mittens are so pretty! I need to do some knitting but this getting ready to move is taking all the joy out my crafting. The cat hat is going to be so cute. I have that one in my favorites already. I need to add the other 2!
    Have a great week!

  2. Your mittens are beautiful. Magic cookie bars are my favorite. They were always a Christmas treat but sadly my Dad no longer makes Christmas cookies. Sorry to hear about the job stress. I hope all works out in the end for you and your family. I survived two downsizings before the third one finally got me. Luckily I was close enough to retirement anyway so it worked out.

  3. The hat looks like it will be great fun to knit. I am going to have to get the pattern. The mitts are stunning.

  4. Your mitts are all looking fab, so you will have toasty hands this winter! I'm sorry about the job news and I'm sure you can make a suitable choice for the future.


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