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Behind the Times

     "Spring Forward" was last weekend.  Oye, its such an outdated practice.  As if day shift hours weren't already kicking my ass, now I have to get up at 4AM, or at least what has been 4AM since October or whatever.  Anyway, end rant.  On to knitting, which I haven't been doing as much of as I would like.  Did I mention these day hours are kicking my butt?

     So last round I completed three projects.  I mentioned the first one in my last post.  I need to get this one mailed out, but I work the same hours as the post office, so getting there has been tricky, to say the least. 
The yarn is Lion Brand Fisherman's Wool.  I solar dyed it over the summer with Kool-Aid.  The pattern is Foliage.  Its a top down, which is pretty cool.  The lace pattern is supposed to look like leaves.  Its hard to see here, since I didn't block it. 
The colors pooled in a spiral as it knit up.  I was hoping for decent looking pooling from this and I would say, its not too bad. 

     The second project is one that has been in the works for quite a while... by quite awhile I mean over a year.  I finally finished Jack's Knucks!
They were a gift for the hubs.  He says they are a tad large, but he wore them the day I gave them to him.  That means he likes them, yea.  I wrote up a preliminary pattern.  I'm hoping to work out another size, a bit smaller.  I may just work out the final details and publish as is.  Then I can add more sizes and update later.  It will be a free pattern either way. 

     The last project I am particularly in love with.  I finally made myself a Cassis Shawlette
I put more beads in this one.  987 of them to be precise.  I had to buy more, in fact, since I ran out, once I got to the second lace section.  It was tedious but so worth it.  I've worn it a few times already.  Its light and airy, but warm and cozy at the same time.  The beads sort of weight it down and help keep it in place.  I've decided I need a collection of shawl pins.  I have a really pretty hand made one, but I think this will be like earrings and necklaces, one will never be enough.  I've been thinking it might be nice to get matching shawl pins for the three of us.   

     I really enjoyed doing this.  I have my next beaded shawl picked out already.  I'm hoping to pick up the yarn and needles Thursday at Knit Night at Yarn Cupboard.  We're supposed to get one hell of a storm tomorrow and Thursday, I hope I can make it out there okay.  I might throw a blanket in the car, just in case I wind up off the road.  I'll have my knitting with me, so at least I can get something done while waiting for rescue.  The weather lately has been so wacky.  Today when I came home, it was 53 degrees out.  It was warm, the snow is melting.  I almost took one of the lawn chairs out on the balcony so I could knit out there.  I figured it was best not to indulge too much since this storm is going to take the temps back down into the single digits by Friday.  Ugh, there are times when I really hate NY.  Why cant it just be spring already, sheesh!

     In other news, my local AC Moore is going out of business.  They lost their lease and must liquidate everything.  I went over after the sales had been going on for a week or two.  I was hoping to get some dishcloth cotton, but the yarn section was pretty much non-existent.  So I got all this instead:
I foresee plenty of beaded knitting in my future, and stitch markers.  I wish now I would have picked up all the tear drop beads.  They had some in green shades too.  I want to make some earrings out of those as well.  When I get the yarn for my next shawl on Thursday I'm going to get a colorway that will go with some of my new beads.  I hope these are decent quality.  I know they wont be Fire Mountain quality but, if I can get the majority of them onto my crochet hook, I'll be happy. 

     That's pretty much it for now.  I made two dishcloths over the weekend and I've been working on a hat since the beginning of the month.  I've been really tired and down trodden since I've been working days.  Today is the first day in a long time I've felt like myself again.  I need spring to get here already.  Or I need to get this training over with so I can go back to my normal life.  I didn't realize just how much of an evening person I am and how much I rely on my routine to stay grounded.  I miss my me time.  I know that sounds really selfish, but I use that alone time to get the housework done and get my knitting done.  Keeping the lights off and staying quiet really sucks sometimes.  I need to get myself to bed.  Morning comes quick and I'll probably have ice to clean off my car, hurrah...
Until Later, Happy Crafting!


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