So, I've been a bit quiet here. It's because hubs and I moved. We are now residing in Watertown, NY. We have both gotten new jobs and found ourselves a nice quiet apartment just a few miles off the beaten path. Packing up all of our things and moving them up here has taken up all my time for the last two weeks. Upstate asked me to stay as long as I could feasibly. So last week I commuted back and forth to Syracuse. I like to drive, I don't mind being in a car for lengthy amounts of time. However, two hours a day is not fun. My last day was yesterday and we had one doozy of a storm system come in fast at night. I made it back to Watertown okay, but wowee it was a bit rough in a couple places. I'm really glad the commute is over. Hubs has been wonderful and gotten our new apartment all unpacked and in order. He made it a home in just a few days! We're still working out all the...