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Showing posts from March, 2015

February FOs and Mad Geek Tour Club Yarn

     So I've been at my new job for a little over a month.  Its going well.  Moving to a smaller city and working at a smaller hospital was all part of our master plan.  I'm training in Blood Bank right now, the next department will be chemistry in another week or two.  I'm looking forward to working on the Vistas again.  Its been about a year now since I've done chemistry so I'm really looking forward to it.  Alright back to more exciting things like knitting and yarn!      Back around Christmas time, before I knew I'd be moving, I joined the Mad Geek Tour for January, February and March with the theme being "Where No Color Has Gone Before".  I've gotten two of the three installments:  This is Doomsday Machine on Doolally.  I love the blues and purples.  That was January. This is Resistance is Futile on Stalwart.  The grays with the pop of green is absolutely perfect.  I've had a...