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YOP: Week 40

     Quick update from me.  I've been working on the Boo Knits Halloween MKAL, so no pictures I can share yet.  I'm not quite finished with the first clue yet.  I got sidetracked by a unit project for the Communications class.  I hope to finish clue 1 when I get home from work today.  

    I returned my defective yarn winder and the new one I ordered arrived yesterday.  I grabbed a couple hanks of yarn I intend to knit soonish to test it out.  The gear is totally enclosed, the yarn guide has two selectable positions but doesn't pivot so there is no possibility of it falling.  The winder itself has more range on its clamp and can clamp quite tightly to whatever table I choose to use.  It wound the two hanks I grabbed with ease, and it was smooth and quiet.  I'm much happier with this one.

    That's really it from me.  It was a busy work week and any extra time I've had has been spent on the MKAL.  Until later, happy crafting.



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